A few months ago, when I asked Irene if she would like to collaborate on a project with me, I knew it was going to be amazeballs ... but I wasn't prepared for the ridiculous amount of amazing that would soon commence. This mini-collection, in my opinion, is my favorite piece of work that I have ever created. (like, e-v-e-r. for serious status). The playfulness within this collection is abundant and I cannot help but smile every time I look at each of these designs ... And on top of all that, I have gotten to befriend one of the sweetest honeys on the planet. (pretty rad, right?) Irene is such a wonderful woman, through and through, and seeing her rock my art in these awe-inspiring poses is absolutely incredible. If you haven't yet seen her instafeed, I highly recommend that you check it out .. she can be found at @fitqueenirene. In the meantime, check out these these epic shots she posted recently with her friends @katiebboyer and @mariebellepr .. I also had a quick little Q&A with the queen herself (below) ... enjoy ! xo - T

What do you love most about your practice ?
Every time I come to my mat, I feel more connected to myself. No matter how I might feel before my practice I always feel grounded and centered afterwards.You are an inspiration to so many people; who inspires you ?
I find inspiration everywhere. My family, my friends, within myself. Too many people to name, but they know who they are.Do you have any advice that you'd like to give to someone starting their fitness/yoga journey ?
Be easy on yourself, and don't give up. Remember it isn't about the poses, it is about the process. When in doubt just keep practicing.What do you like to do when you're not being a badass yogi ?
Ha, it's a full time job! Just kidding. I love to travel and be outdoors, I enjoy drawing, reading and writing.And in honor of our theme, if you could be any jungle animal, what would you like to be ?
Tough choice. Depends on my mood- sometimes I feel like a leopard and other times a lovebird :)